Collection: John Gurbacs


John Gurbacs explores the interplay between nature and human creation, capturing interconnectedness in his evolving paintings. Fascinated by fractals, Gurbacs delves into the mathematical language defining earth, air, fire, water, and ether. He draws parallels between disparate elements, from tree branches mirroring lightning bolts to the rings of Saturn reflecting in a puddle.

Balancing chaos and order, Gurbacs finds inspiration in nature's patterns—a zebra’s stripes or human fingerprints. His process involves a meticulous collage of construction debris, tropical foliage, and microscopic patterns, translating into canvases that take months to complete. Using oil paint for canvases and latex paint for murals, Gurbacs showcases the synergy and contrast between natural and man-made forms.

In Gurbacs's paintings, connections and relationships unfold, inviting viewers to recognize a oneness akin to Buddhist mandala paintings. Addressing social, environmental, and meditative themes, his work captures a dialogue between scenes, merging and shifting while preserving individual identities. Through this exploration, John Gurbacs reveals new interpretations, seeking a harmonious balance between opposites and uncovering the beauty in the fluid dance of existence.

John Gurbacs